You know that marriage counseling could help your relationship improve. You’ve been searching for a relationship therapist near you. You want to make sure that you’ve found the right one but you don’t know how you could do that. As a relationship therapist I know you want to make sure that marriage counseling can help especially if you feel you only have one shot to get it right.
Why it’s important to ask about Marriage Counseling.
Asking a relationship therapist questions about how marriage counseling works and the doubts you have about starting counseling can help you in multiple ways. When you take the time to address these questions it will help you better understand what to expect from the therapist you are working with. This will also allow you to better understand the expectations you have about marriage counseling. Let’s take a look at what questions you might ask your relationship therapist.
#1 What happens during our first Marriage Counseling session?
I completely understand wanting to know what will happen in your first counseling session so that you know what to expect. I can’t speak for every therapist but I can tell you what I do in my practice.
In my practice, the first marriage counseling session is mainly
focused on laying the foundation for our work together. I go over in more detail than in the discovery call about what to expect from our sessions and what I expect from the two of you so that our sessions have a higher chance of success. I also want to get to know you and your partner better and give you two to get to know me. Together we will answer the question: “If counseling did everything you are hoping it will what would be different?
#2 When we start with Marriage Counseling in OKC do we always see you as a couple?
This is a great question to ask. There are ethics to consider however most of the time it will be both you and your partner in the session.
However, in my practice it is not true that you will always be seen as a couple for every session. Almost all couples that I work with get at least one full session with me on their own within our couples work. I find this necessary at it allows me to build rapport, understand the finer details that are harder for this client to voice in couples and help each partner identify what they need to be working on individually to assist with our couples work.
#3 What if there is something I need to talk about in Marriage Counseling but I don’t want to bring it up in front of my partner yet?
Couples often come to counseling with difficulties communicating and being able to be vulnerable in their relationship. So it makes perfect sense that you are nervous about talking about certain things. I know that I don’t need to tell you this but for your relationship to be healthier and sustainable being able to tell your partner things is necessary.
In my practice I give couples multiple opportunities to let me know what they are struggling with in their relationship starting off with the discovery call. I talk to each partner separately to get a better idea of what they are struggling with and want to see addressed. Again with paperwork that is given to each partner separately to provide their point of view hopefully without the influence of their significant other. Lastly, each partner gets their own session in which to address their struggles.
Ready to take the next step towards Marriage Counseling?
It’s time for you and your spouse to start communicating with more intimacy and less exhaustion. If you are ready to take the next step then book your free discovery call with me. Let me help you uncover the transformative potential of marriage counseling when guided by a clear plan and the expertise of the right therapist can help you now, tomorrow and well into your future.
I serve couples online across Oklahoma, including Edmond, OKC, and beyond.
I’m also creating fun and useful content on my other social media channels! 🙂