What are your New Year’s Resolutions? Have you set an intention for the New Year? Is there a word you are manifesting this year? Questions like this and many more are often a theme of conversation at the start of the gregorian year. These questions can often be helpful in getting you to think about the future and looking ahead. However, people often forget to look back as well.
Why is it important to take a look at last year?
Often, people are scared to start dwelling on the past and therefore avoid it complete. Some may even believe that there is nothing to be learned from what has already happened. But taking a look at the way to spent the last year can be a helpful learning tool to making your New Year even more fruitful. Here are some prompts to work with that can help you make New Years Resolutions that actually stick.
First, Look back on the previous year & Celebrate!
That’s right, what are the things you accomplished is the last year that you are proud of. Don’t ignore anything no matter how small it is. It’s important to acknowledge all the things that you carried, talked about, survived and the moments you thrived. Jumping from one to-do to the next is a hard cycle to break. We are all human here and need to honor the time, effort and resources we put in this past year. If by no one else we need to be the ones to respect the path that we have traveled!
Second, Look back & Grieve!
I know, you’re like what? We were just getting excited about the good stuff and now you want us to be sad. No, I don’t want you to be sad but I do want you to honor the sad parts that you have inevitably passed through in the last year. Some of these you may still be wading through & that’s okay. As much as a new year feels can feel exciting and reinvigorating. We cannot ignore that moving into a new year is also an uncertain and scary time. So, yes, acknowledge your strength to have survived whatever pains have occurred and bring in the collective humanity that pain is experienced by all. By acknowledging the hurt we in turn are part of the healing.
Last, Look Back & Check on Last Years Resolutions
What resolutions did you set for last year? Let yourself notice what you accomplished. Notice when some resolutions dropped off your radar. Did these resolutions not get set well, did I even want to reach these resolutions or did something else happen? Also notice if you sold yourself short. That’s right, did you keep yourself from actually speaking out your dreams and hopes and settle for simply surviving another year on this earth?
Take a look at last year to help you with this year
Taking a look back before we take a look forward is a hard step to take. It can also rewarding one. By having this time to reflect you increase the trust with yourself and reconnect to your empowerment! If having the support of a therapist can help you reach your new year’s resolutions then reach out to me today. Together we will tap into the power of therapy guided by a clear path can help you today, tomorrow and into the future.